Get a taste of Hawaiian culture, food, and entertainment at a unique, astounding luau experience hosted by a world champion ...
While there are several luau options on Kaua'i ... live music chronicling an epic sea voyage from Tahiti to Hawaii – expect hula dancers, traditional fire knife dancing, and fire poi balls ...
An annual treat was brought back to festivities as Hawaiian-born professional hula dancers Nadine Lund and John Coelho, decked out in their finest island garb, made their way from Denver to wow ...
As Natalia watched a male dancer with a tall headband perform a traditional Polynesian dance ... who produced the luau where the wish was revealed, Natalia's family trip to Hawaii would indeed ...
followed by a seated dinner and a luau with hula dancers and music. "I really wanted everybody to experience that sense of place: Hawaiian food, a luau, the culture," says Murphy." It was perfect." ...