While these six chords are great choices for classic rock styles, the truth is they're useful for all kinds of players to learn. Note the slash chords’ alternative bass notes here (notes shown ...
Playing guitar is a fantastic way to relax and de-stress. One of the best things about the guitar is the sheer number of songs you can play with a few chords. All you need now is a good website or ...
Chords are played when the guitarist holds their fingers down on more than one individual string to change its length, which in turn changes the frequency of the vibration created - in other words, it ...
When playing the scalic runs keep your plucking fingers flat in order to forcefully drive each rest stroke. Practice slowly ...
This interval is called a fifth. Try to play this interval on a keyboard or piano. A chord is a group of notes - usually three or more - which are stacked vertically. They are played together and ...