First up is the character creator, which appears to take the form of the infamous Gom Jabbar test. According to the developer, you’ll not only be able to set how your character looks but also ...
Dune: Awakening is an open world survival MMO where you rise from survival to dominance in a vast and seamless Arrakis shared by thousands of players ...
Characters created with Dune: Awakening’s free creation tools, presented as a Gom Jabbar test, can be imported to the full game at launch, according to Funcom. Benchmark mode will let potential ...
Players can take the Gom Jabbar test, and create their very own character which includes fine-tuning the character’s look, as well as choosing their home planet, caste, and mentor. Swordmaster ...
Put your hand in the box. Prepare for your epic rise to greatness on Arrakis by taking the Gom Jabbar test and creating your character. Fine-tune every aspect of your looks, then choose your home ...
The character creation mode will let players take the Gom Jabbar test. Players can fine-tune every aspect of their looks and choose their home planet, caste, and mentor, be the latter a Swordmaster, ...
The character creator is themed around the Reverend Mother’s test of the Gom Jabbar, letting you fiddle with ever aspect of your appearance, select your home planet, caste and mentor.