In the Global Hunger Index 2023 rankings ... to control and subjugate the target nations. Colonialism has shapeshifted into a new avatar — neo-colonialism. Various European countries and ...
The relationship of the periphery providing raw materials to feed the industrial centers continued and tightened, and was the chief economic rationale for global colonial empire. The increase in the ...
Colonialism on the continent was not limited to resource exploitation – Africa was to become the Global North’s dumping ...
It should also have worked to prevent a return to an era of exploitation that allowed Western colonialism to practically ...
the term colonialism is generally used to mean the empires controlled by European powers between the 16th and 20th centuries, largely in countries now considered part of the global south.
Understanding Christian antisemitism as a global phenomenon is essential to recognizing its deep historical roots and ongoing impact. While some Christian movements have sought reconciliation with ...
From this perspective, participants will analyze current global issues such as racism, settler colonialism, apartheid, new imperial wars, social movements including Black Lives Matter, Indigenous ...
A Panel Discussion Monday, November 4 12:00 Lunch 12:15 - 1:30 Program Mandel Center for the Humanities Reading Room (303) Presented by both the Mandel Center for the Humanities “Humanities for Global ...
No matter how the world evolves, China will always stand with the Global South, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Friday at a ...
Azerbaijan denies interference, but Aliyev on Wednesday rounded on France for holding Corsica and its far-flung overseas island territories "under the colonial yoke". Aliyev has ruled his gas-rich ...