GlaxoSmithKline’s experimental malaria vaccine, RTS,S, has proved only 30% effective when administered to babies, as part of Africa’s largest ever clinical trial. There is a lot of pressure on ...
together with GSK and the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI), with grant funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to MVI.
GSK said on Tuesday that it is studying a group of more than a million older adults in the UK to examine whether its ...
Being the only product on the market, GSK’s vaccine has dominated the shingles ... helping develop vaccines such as ...
The British pharmaceutical giant is working with the U.K. Dementia Research Institute to exploit a “natural randomization” ...
33; The vaccine production process itself can ... initiatives that aim to reduce the burden of diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis, and new ways to tackle anti-microbial ...
The difference may be luck, or it may have something to do with the world’s first malaria vaccine. The vaccine has been ...
For example, the malaria vaccine is a result of 30 years of research and development by the British pharmaceutical company, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) through a partnership with the global public ...
The inquiry is looking into a politically explosive suggestion that Pfizer delayed announcing a successful vaccine against ...
Both the Sanaria and the GlaxoSmithKline projects receive support from the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, a program at the nonprofit PATH established through an initial grant from the Bill ...
Expert Rev Vaccines. 2008;7(2):223-240. The EMVI is currently supporting preclinical activities at the Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen and the Institut Pasteur in Paris for the development ...