Z-A will feature one new Mega Evolution that is coming straight out of your nightmares to terrorize Pokemon and trainers ...
A fan shares an impressive Mega evolution for Victreebel, a Gen 1 Grass/Poison-type creature rumored to get a new form in ...
Mimikyu most certainly wins the award for being the strangest-looking Pokémon around. Even stranger when you consider Mimikyu ...
The upcoming Spring into Spring event will add to Pokemon Go both Grass-type creatures Gossifleur and its evolution Eldegoss.
The leaked Mega Evolutions suggest that Pokemon Legends: Z-A may not include a Mega Evolution for Flygon, despite its Mega ...
Pokemon Legends: Z-A is finally bringing the fan-favorite Mega Evolution mechanic back after it was originally left behind on ...
How to catch Sizzlipede and evolve it into Cenitskorch in Pokémon Go, including the Sizzlipede counters, weaknesses and best ...
A giant list of new Mega Evolutions has been revealed for Pokemon Legends: Z-A, including options for favorites like Starmie ...