Over the course of our first 50 years, staff and volunteers at Emmaus Ministries have told anyone who asked about our name that it comes from a story found in the Gospel of Luke, a story called ...
Cleopas in Emmaus reveals Luke’s vision of unity among early Christians. Explore this powerful resurrection story and its ...
On the road to Emmaus (read Luke 24:13–35), two disciples were discussing the events surrounding Jesus’ life and death. Confused about the Scriptures in light of what they had just experienced, a ...
Resurrection hope is what sustains us in suffering and adversity, as it did those disciples on the road to Emmaus," said Johnston. He added that "according to Jesus, the resurrection is the ...
Three days after He was crucified, two of His disciples were walking on the road to Emmaus, which was about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were downcast because they had believed Jesus was the ...
Anyone else feel like they’re trudging along an endless road to Emmaus right now? Yeah. Me too. (Though I’ve be doing it ...
Emmaus is a two-day experience that invites participants to explore graduate theological studies through a particular encounter with the students, faculty, and staff of the Clough School of Theology ...