Use a blank sheet of paper for each floor. Mark two escape routes from each room ... personal and household plans based on what household members would do if an emergency occurred while they ...
An emergency evacuation plan is a detailed guide that outlines all the steps household members must take to exit any room in the house ... two escape routes on each floor. Hang copies on the ...
Emergency Telephone System (ETS ... In a high-rise building, vacate the top floors and move to a lower floor or basement. If not able to reach the basement, go to an interior room, hallway or restroom ...
If the MSDS cannot be located in time, call the emergency room to offer the information as soon as possible. Each employee responsible for an activity involving the use of a hazardous substance must ...
Purdue University requires a Building Emergency Plan (BEP) to be completed and updated as needed for campus buildings occupied by 10 or more people. The BEPs include building-specific emergency ...
The Western Illinois University Emergency Operations Plan outlines our procedures and guidelines for campus emergency and disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. The document also deals with ...
A large number of visits to the emergency room (ER) of a hospital are not considered emergencies. Many of these health issues can be addressed at a clinic by a nurse or doctor (e.g. Concordia Health ...