With summer wildfire season just around the corner, it’s important for both sellers and buyers to consider steps to fireproof ...
For the first time in 14 years, California's fire hazard severity zones maps have been updated by the state fire marshal.
Most cities in the region saw an increase in land labeled a “very high” fire hazard, according to new maps released by Cal ...
Inside the training room of an Arvada fire house, crews hurdle together, watching, reacting, and planning their response ...
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) has updated its classification of areas that are more at ...
All told, the size of orange and red patches on the new maps is 3,626 square miles — an area nearly twice the size of ...
Are you prepared for wildfire season? Now is the time to start your defensible space and evacuation preparedness!
Do you live in a high fire hazard zone? CalFire has released updated fire hazard maps for Santa Barbara County and the rest ...
RENO, Nev. (KOLO) - Senior ResQ is launching their Defensible Space Program for low-income seniors and veterans Wednesday, ...