scientists continue to work to understand the intricacies and nature of facilitative interactions in coral reef communities (e.g., Cheney & Cote 2005).
Coral reefs are very much the rainforests of the ... scleractinian corals explain their palaeotemperature uncertainties. Nature 283, 557-559 (1980).
This work is incredibly crucial. Researchers make game-changing discovery while studying one of nature's crown jewels: 'We ...
The red coral colonies that were transplanted a decade ago on the seabed of the Medes Islands have survived successfully. They are very similar to the original communities and have contributed to the ...
The National Practice Forum on Nature-Based Solutions was held in Irvine on February 4 and 5, and sponsored by UC Santa ...
Coral Reef Adventure follows filmmakers Howard and Michele Hall on a daring expedition across the South Pacific to document the world’s most beautiful and endangered coral reefs. Narrated by ...
who leads community engagement and partnerships in Hawaii for the Nature Conservancy, told the Times. "It's not simple." 5. Red Sea Coral Reef The Red Sea Coral Reef located between Asia and ...
Coral bleaching is a global epidemic that reduces vibrant and thriving reefs to rubble. At the current rate of loss, scientists predict that we will lose nearly all of the world’s coral in ...
The Peninsula brings the latest news from Qatar and around the world. We also cover in detail football, cricket, business, entertainment, Bollywood, Hollywood, Science, Technology, Health, Fitness and ...
An expedition to the South Pacific to document beautiful and endangered coral reefs. Coral Reef Adventure follows filmmakers Howard and Michele Hall on a daring expedition across the South Pacific ...