Around the world, on separate continents with no contact with each other, multiple groups of ancient humans invented farming ...
In addition, "the gradual separation might influence the continent's geopolitical landscape" and "create new opportunities for trade and communication." A new continent is small potatoes in the ...
a supercontinent that eventually broke apart into separate masses. "Plate tectonics and the Pangea supercontinent suggest that continents move and break up over (extremely long) periods of time ...
Oceans filled the areas between these new sub-continents. The land masses continued to move apart, riding on separate plates, until they reached the positions they currently occupy. These ...
The event studied was the separation of the Antarctic Peninsula ... to penguins of different species that inhabited the White Continent throughout the Paleogene, added to those of a current ...
Can you imagine seeing the formation of a whole new ocean? One of the continents seems to be tearing itself apart to form the Earth's sixth ocean.