A riotous photography collection from a recent underwater mission off the coast of Chile shows new and fascinating deep-sea ...
A hidden ecosystem of giant sea spiders, octopuses, and other stunning sea creatures shows how life can flourish even when sealed off from the surface by a thick layer of ice.
Mystical Jellyfish ... under the sea. They offer a unique study in translucence and fluid motion. Coral Reef Kaleidoscope The vibrant coral reefs are bustling with life and color, providing ...
It’s a fundraiser that features over 100,000 balloons artistically configured to build on a theme titled “Voyage into the Deep Sea.” ...
The app provides taxonomic data and images of deep-sea species, such as this glowing sucker octopus (Stauroteuthis syrtensis). © David Shale. Focus: Creating a ...
On June 19, Nathan Robinson was on board a research vessel in the Gulf of Mexico, surveying footage taken by the Medusa, a deep sea camera system. Shrimp, jellyfish, lantern sharks—the usual ...
Deepstaria is a genus of deep-sea jellyfish, rarely seen, mysterious and delicate yet predatory. It is usually found between 600 metres and 1750 metres beneath the waves. It is also the favourite ...