A federal grand jury indicted six Colombian nationals for operating a narco-submarine fleet to bring 5,000 kilograms of cocaine to the U.S.
The city is described as a "stronghold of Afro-Colombian culture, with a rich culinary and musical tradition that extends ...
Colombian Navy workers are accused of helping drug traffickers place tracking devices aboard Colombian Navy vessels.
More information: Luis Fuentes et al, Genetic diversity of Anadara tuberculosa in two localities of the Colombian Pacific ...
A warm and genuine welcome awaits those who travel to Colombia. Photograph by Shutterstock 10 min read Blessed with coastlines kissing both the Caribbean and the Pacific, and boasting some of ...
It turned out to be a new species. A team of researchers spent twenty years monitoring the catch of anglers along the western Pacific coast of Colombia. They rode along during fishing trips and ...
The crew of Colombians ran their maritime operation from the South American country’s Pacific coast, according to federal authorities. Colombia has led the world in cocaine production since the ...