A Houston-based pharmaceuticals company filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and its leaders have either resigned or been ...
Barring extenuating circumstances, the two bankruptcy chapters generally available to an individual filer are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 bankruptcy involves selling any non-exempt assets ...
Filing bankruptcy can damage your credit score, result in the loss of property and, in some cases, leave you with remaining ...
I am commonly asked by clients and other lawyers who are frustrated by typical collection efforts if we can place the would-be debtor into ...
Can creditors take some or part of your IRA funds if you file for bankruptcy? Learn more about the federal protections that ...
The ability to assume, assume and assign, or reject executory contracts and unexpired leases is a power central to ability of a bankruptcy trustee ...
If approved, the proposed revisions would achieve outcomes similar to the existing process while reducing the burden of ...