Give Mahler a cheery nursery-rhyme ditty and he’ll turn it into the bleakest of gallows marches. Don’t believe us? Have a listen to the opening of the third movement of the First Symphony.
The Dallas Symphony Orchestra ’s 2025-26 season will include two particularly ambitious programs, Puccini’s Madame Butterfly ...
FORT WORTH — The Fort Worth Symphony ’s insistence on playing the American national anthem before every concert seemed ...
From a vast and mysterious opera rehearsal stage (Gustav Mahler's "home away from home" for much of his life), San Francisco Symphony Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas (MTT) introduces us to ...
Chailly was appointed Music Director of the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra in 1980, and in 1988 he moved to the same position with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam, which he helmed for ...
The 2015/16 season opens and closes with Gustav Mahler’s first and last symphonies. Although the Tenth Symphony was never completed, the musicologist Deryck Cooke created his first performing ...