A new option for bifocal and trifocal wearers is now available for active-duty personnel and Department of Defense (DoD) retirees. The addition, known as the '5A-M,' was added to ensure there ...
They’re great for temporary use either while reading or if the wearer has issues seeing far, but typically need to be removed whenever they’re not specifically needed. Bifocals are different ...
We already have contact lenses that contain more than one prescription, enabling the wearer to adjust her focus depending on the distance from the object she is viewing—similar to bifocal or ...
Young nearsighted kids who wear bifocal contact lenses that slow uncoordinated eye growth do not lose the benefits of the treatment once they stop wearing the lenses, new research shows.
Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on . Older adults who wore progressive-addition lenses had the greatest fall rate. PALs wearers were two times ...