The world has found almost endless uses for bamboo—including musical instruments. The Chinese in particular have put it to a wide variety of uses. In the Chinese countryside, a person's life ...
You may be familiar with musical instruments such as the drums ... A traditional shakuhachi is made from bamboo and played by blowing down one end, like a recorder. A musician uses their fingers ...
Maasin's performance highlighted the iconic tultugan, a native bamboo percussion instrument used for communication and music. The town of Maasin, widely regarded as the bamboo capital of Iloilo ...
National Committee on Music (NCM), brought the power of music to Bontoc, Mountain Province, through a series of lectures and ...
During the festival, FPRDI showcased a variety of bamboo musical instruments, including the tongatong (bamboo stamping tubes), bungkaka (bamboo buzzer), patteteg (bamboo plate/bar), gabbang ...