If you experience shortness of breath, getting more exercise can seem stressful. In the past, researchers believed it was ...
It isn’t uncommon for your asthma symptoms to shift with the seasons. Find out more about how to handle cold-induced asthma.
Dr. Olga Guijon is division chief of primary care at Children’s Hospital of Orange County, part of Rady Children’s Health.
It is recommended that all asthma patients avoid their environmental triggers that might increase airway hyper-reactivity and, thereby, increase susceptibility to exercise-induced symptoms.
â–  Know and avoid your triggers: Both doctors say to know what your asthma attack triggers are and avoid them. This can ...
Maternal Exercise During Pregnancy May Protect the Child Against Asthma Oct. 10, 2024 — The risk of asthma in the child can be reduced by nearly half if the mother engages in active physical ...
Exercise may also cause the airways in your lungs to narrow. This happens to between 40% to 90% of people with asthma. But it also occurs in about 1 in 5 people without asthma. Exercise-induced ...
In that new reality, I found myself joining the 5.4 million people in the UK who live with asthma. Like so many people at the time, I wanted to move and exercise safely but was confronted with the ...
An asthma cough is also often accompanied by wheezing ... A doctor may also recommend them for use before exercise or during an illness. Consider talking with a doctor if you find you rely ...
mumc.nl Exercise can provoke asthma symptoms, such as dyspnoea, in children with asthma. Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) is prevalent in 40–90% of children with asthma. Conversely, exercise ...
Exercise and physical activity are common triggers of symptoms in patients with asthma, although some individuals – especially athletes – may have symptoms with exercise alone. Exercise ...