A colorful coral reef, viewed from just beneath the surface of the ocean. A winding river delta, seen from far up in the sky.
Skidmore grad Zaria Forman creates realistic work of glaciers and icebergs that also raise funds to combat global warming.
A handful of University of California professors will “leverage art and design as a powerful medium to engage the public in ...
climate control conditions and storage considerations for art in light of these environmental events,” says its chief executive, Mirella Roma. Such efforts come as a scientific study by ...
In the words of outgoing Hammer director Ann Philbin, the show "nurtures, accelerates and questions the intersection of art and science." This is no small task. Climate change is certainly on the ...
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa educator Ben Fairfield, who creates musical instruments from trash, was one of four artists ...
For the first time in its 800-year history, St Mary Redcliffe church is the backdrop for a contemporary art exhibition. Eden Bleeds comprises 14 abstract works produced by Bristol-based Mexican artist ...
Chris Marin is selling her art out of Simcoe Street Theatre in March, with proceeds from sales donated to Collingwood Climate ...
An environmental studies student at Yale University calls herself a “climate artist.” Camilla Young was introduced to the ...
Students played a role in shaping the design, ensuring their voices were reflected in the art they walked past every day. An emotional connection to raise awareness about climate change and ...