When thinking about the Arctic, images of snow, ice—maybe even a polar bear—likely come to mind. Located at the northernmost ...
Though sparsely inhabited, the Arctic covers 40 per cent of the Canadian land mass, stretching over nearly four million ...
Documents from the 1950s and 1960s show how the Pentagon poured support into climate and cold-region research to boost the ...
China is expected to redefine its Arctic policy - including an ambition to become a great polar power by 2030 - amid growing ...
Rarely in the news, the Arctic has returned to the spotlight following the return of Donald Trump as US president. But who ...
With sea traffic set to rise in a warming Arctic, researchers are helping sailors plot a safer course through sea ice and ...
In light of Trump’s historical interest in Greenland, it is not hard to imagine how his second term could mark the beginning ...
The Arctic is emerging as a critical frontier in the race for mineral wealth, fossil fuels, and geopolitical dominance. As ...
Russian Ambassador to India highlights India's interest in Arctic development, scientific research, and mineral extraction, ...