Antarctica sea ice has been disappearing over the last several years as global temperatures rise amid climate change. The new map of Antarctica's topography beneath the ice gives scientists a ...
The Trump administration is sabotaging the country’s gold-standard climate science in Antarctica and around the world.
Antarctica conjures images of an unbroken white wilderness but blooms of algae are giving parts of the frozen continent an increasingly green tinge. Warming temperatures due to climate change are ...
As the planet heats up and Antarctica’s ice sheet melts at a faster pace, scientists warn of a steady rise in sea levels.
Kharagpur: New research on climate change published in ‘Communications Earth & Environment' — a peer-reviewed, open-access, ...
The more of these measurements we collect over time, the more we'll learn about Antarctic marine microbial communities, their interactions and susceptibility to climate change. "At the same time ...
it could be a symptom of what is unwell in the Antarctic. The ice shelves have lost billions of tons of ice over the last 25 years, which scientists attribute to climate change. Losing all this ...
Many scientists agree that we have already reached this 1.5 degree target, and it is likely to get hotter, with flow-on impacts on Antarctic ice melting,” climate scientist Dr. Taimoor Sohail said.