French filmmaker Agnès Varda visited Chris Marker's studio in 2011, where she joined his virtual world on Second Life and visited his museum.
More than 8,000 photos capture San Francisco's counter culture and pivotal moments in history. But who was behind the camera?
Discovered in an abandoned storage locker, the 2,042 processed color slides and 102 rolls of black-and-white film depict key ...
Only known manuscript of Jean-Luc Godard’s French New Wave classic to go on auction - The film helped usher in the highly ...
Agnès Varda was born in Brussels, Belgium and was raised in France. She attended the École du Louvre, studying art history and gained a strong interest in experimental and radical photography.
Hatvan évvel ezelÅ‘tt mutatták be Agnès Varda Boldogság (Le bonheur) című filmjét, mely provokatív és bizarr történetével alaposan megosztotta a közönséget. Vajon miért készít idilli filmet arról egy n ...
The Artist’s Collection of T-shirts, introduced in 1994, included work by, from left, Louise Bourgeois, Agnès Varda and Kenneth Anger.Credit...via agnes b The marriage of casual French fashion ...