Earlier this month, the state Department of Environmental Protection ordered Energy Transfer to supply residents with bottled ...
The closure of a stretch of ocean water because of a sewage spill at the end of Vista de la Playa in La Jolla was lifted the ...
A vehicle pursuit that started in Camarillo ended with the arrest of three minors, and 250,000 gallons of sewage spilled in Thousand Oaks Friday.
I-10 West is closed near Sulphur due to a chemical spill, officials said. As of 6 p.m., crews are monitoring the air quality ...
A crude oil pipeline crack caused a thick oil slick in the Viche River in northwestern Ecuador. Employees of the state oil ...
A spill while riding his father's horse left jockey Keith Asmussen with a fractured femur, three broken ribs, and a torn lung ...
Colorado Sen. Micheal Bennet’s efforts to compensate business owners who were financially harmed by the 2015 Gold King Mine ...
A Los Angeles delivery driver was awarded $50 million after a Starbucks tea spilled in his lap at a drive-through in February ...
A stretch of water at the end of Vista de la Playa is closed to swimmers until further notice, according to San Diego County ...
A residence in Bangor Township was completely destroyed by a fire Monday morning, according to South Haven Area Emergency ...
Authorities and environmentalists in Zambia fear the long-term impact of an acid spill at a Chinese-owned mine that ...