Sudha Sings Principaal of Jaipuria School Babatpur Campus

Babatpur is a village, near Varanasi city in Pindra Tehsil of Varanasi district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The village falls under gram panchayat by the same name as the village. The village also houses Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport which serves Varanasi district. The village is about 26 kilometers North-West of Varanasi city, 260 kilometers South-Eas…
Babatpur is a village, near Varanasi city in Pindra Tehsil of Varanasi district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The village falls under gram panchayat by the same name as the village. The village also houses Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport which serves Varanasi district. The village is about 26 kilometers North-West of Varanasi city, 260 kilometers South-East of state capital Lucknow and 797 kilometers South-East of the national capital New Delhi.
  • Elevation: 83.012 m (272.349 ft)
  • Country: India
  • State: Uttar Pradesh
  • District: Varanasi district
  • Tehsil: Pindra
  • Telephone code: +91-542
  • Village code: 208723
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